essay format – Little Writing Secrets Wed, 07 Jun 2023 11:16:51 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Top Ten Hints On Essay Formatting In Chicago Style Fri, 08 Dec 2017 08:23:40 +0000 While APA-formatting is the most commonly used through middle and high school, college courses sometimes demand more rigorous assignments. When writing college papers, you may find that your teacher requests MLA- or Chicago-Style formatting. Chicago style formatting is most commonly used for social sciences and humanities topics, like when you need to know how to write a reflective essay on community service. Part of this is knowing the proper formatting- here is a checklist of what you need to know when writing in Chicago style.

  1. Spacing- Like most academic styles, double spacing is preferred. This includes main text, blocked texts, charts and graphs, footnotes, the bibliography, and other included sections. To know mopre information, you can visit write my essay online services.
  2. Blocked Text- Blocked text is quoted, but because of the length it is separated from the text in a block style. Block style does not require the use of quotation marks. It is recommended for use with two or more poetry lines or a quotation longer than 100 words or five lines of space.
  3. Subheadings- In longer papers, such as in a service reflection essay, subheadings may be used throughout. This helps organize your ideas better and allows the reader to focus on the main ideas of your paper.
  4. General Formatting- In addition to double spacing, you will want 1” margins throughout your paper. An easy-to-read type face like Courier or Times New Roman is preferred, usually in size 12 font but no smaller than size 10 font.
  5. Page Numbers- For Chicago-style writing, Arabian numbers (1, 2, 3, 4, etc.) are used for numbering pages. The number does not go on the title page, but appears on the first page of text. They are placed in the header section.
  6. Footnotes- Chicago style is considered a higher level of writing. To avoid plagiarism accusations, footnotes are used to identify which source facts came from. This also de-clutters your paragraphs.
  7. The Title Page- Your title page is formatted with your title first. This is an all capital letters, about one-third of the way down the page. About two-thirds of the way down, you will include your name, the course that the paper is for, and its due date.
  8. Advice on the Main Body- Your main body paragraphs are set up as they would be in any paper from an essay writing service. You indent the first line and use capitals appropriately.
  9. On Tables and Figures- Whenever possible, list tables and figures immediately after they are mentioned. Identify the source with a footnote.
  10. The Bibliography- Instead of a reference page, it will be titled with ‘Bibliography.’ Be sure the set up is proper for each entry and that you use hanging indents.

One of the easiest ways to proofread is to make yourself a checklist. Follow the ten hints above each time that you create a Chicago-style essay. If you choose to use an essay edit service, consider including this list as a guideline for what you want them to check for. This will ensure you get the grade you expect (and deserve) for the time and effort you have put in.

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